

Create a timeline based on your read books.

It only needs your user(not for the author profiles) ID from GoodReads.

The request is a bit slow, but no so much like George R.R. Martin writing The Winds of Winter...

An error has occurred, it's likely that the user you have entered does not exist.

Remember, the id of GoodReads user is numeric, you can find it in the URL of your profile.

Try again! It's free.

You're looking at profile summary.

Joined on .

Since then has read books and a total of pages.

How many books have you read?

In this chart, you can see all the books you have read. It doesn't matter if they don't have pages or don't include a start or end date.

How long does it take you to read a book

It's a timeline chart, with those books having a start and end date. This chart is a bit different from the previous chart because it does not include those books that do not have pages in the API.

How many pages have you read each month?

For example, if you started a book in March but finished the book in April, all pages from this book count for April. Sadly, GoodReads API doesn't store the progress, so it's impossible to show the progress.


The three books you've read fastest.


You've finished the book in


You've finished the book in


You've finished the book in


You hardly read it.


You've finished the book in


You've finished the book in


You've finished the book in

Big Fat Book

As a bible.


The book has pages.


The book has pages.


The book has pages.

Short Book

Shrt bk.


The book has pages.


The book has pages.


The book has pages.